Costume Repair/Wardrobe – Collect and/or construct costumes, assist with laundering and repair, or help actors during the show.

Box Office (Daytime and Performance Evenings) – Take ticket orders over the phone, process online orders, sell tickets on the day/evening of the show, assist with customer service issues.

Follow Spot – Operate a follow spot for a live production.  The may involve following a cue sheet and executing those cues either independently or upon stage manager instruction.

Props – Gather, collect, and/or construct properties for the show.

Set Construction/Set Dressing/Scenic Painting – Design, create, or paint set pieces and furniture for productions.

Stage Crew – Assist backstage with cast and crew to ensure a smooth performance.

Usher – Distribute show programs, assist audience members to their seat, and help prepare the theater before and after the performance.

If you are interested in applying to be a volunteer for Keystone Theatrics, please email volunteer@keystonetheatrics.com

Keystone Theatrics heavily relies on the help of volunteers.  The success of our programs depends directly on the efforts of our volunteers.  Volunteers must be at least 16 years old, and should be driven, energetic, have a strong work ethic, and enjoy working with a team.  There are many ways to get involved and share your time and skills!